About Us

Canpac Mission Statement

The Canadian Police Accreditation Coalition is committed to supporting law enforcement agencies in achieving and maintaining CALEA compliance through association, mutual support and resource sharing as a means of ensuring excellence in law enforcement that enhances safety and quality of life in our communities.

Benefits of Being a CANPAC Member

You’ll benefit by becoming a CANPAC member if you’re striving for CALEA accredited status.
We will prove to be invaluable to you.


  • Provide an information exchange and assistance network for members.
  • Represent the member agencies in matters before the Commission (CALEA)
  • Provide information, assistance, guidance and support to agencies interested in or striving for accreditation.
  • Assist CALEA in research and development of the accreditation standards process.
  • Provide personnel to conduct mock on-site assessments.
  • Ensure that member agencies are kept informed and current on accreditation-related matters.
  • Provide accreditation-related training.
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