Section 1: Shall be known as the Canadian Police Accreditation Coalition (CANPAC).
Section 2: The use of the CANPAC logo will only be used after receiving written permission from the President of CANPAC.
Section 1: The Canadian Police Accreditation Coalition (CANPAC) is committed to supporting agencies in achieving and maintaining CALEA compliance through association, mutual support and resource sharing as a means of ensuring excellence that enhances safety and quality of life in the community.
Section 2: CANPAC is organized exclusively for non-profit purposes.
Section 1: Regular Membership:
a. Shall be open to all Canadian agencies who have signed a CALEA contract or maintains a CALEA recognized program. Membership shall be granted upon receipt of a completed membership application, majority vote from the CANPAC regular membership and payment of dues.
b. New membership dues will be prorated from the date of membership approval to December 31.
Section 2: Associate Membership:
a. Shall be open to an Organization that has demonstrated an interest in the CALEA process or an Independent Person who is an active CALEA assessor.
b. Associate members do not have voting privileges, but can participate in all discussions and speak to all issues.
c. Membership shall be granted upon receipt of a completed membership application, majority vote from the CANPAC regular membership and payment of dues.
d. New membership dues will be prorated from the date of membership approval to December 31.
Section 3: Bylaw Compliance:
a. Failure to comply with the Bylaws of CANPAC may result in the suspension of privileges or expulsion from CANPAC until such conditions are corrected or the Bylaws are conformed with. This situation will be dealt with by way of motion at a regular meeting and a majority vote.
Section 1: Annual Membership Dues shall be $250.00 for each agency and $50.00 for an Associate Member. Invoices shall be issued to all Members at the beginning of the calendar year and paid by January 31, covering the period of January 1 to December 31.
Section 1: The executive members of CANPAC shall be employees from regular member agencies. It shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and a Treasurer. The respective offices shall be for a term of three years. The President may call a special election in situations where an executive member is not able to complete their term. The executive members of CANPAC serve on a voluntary basis and shall receive no financial compensation for their services.
Section 2: Elections
a. Elections for the offices of President and Treasurer shall occur the year preceding the elections of Vice President and Secretary.
b. Nominations for the executive shall be open to regular members of CANPAC. Nominations will be received and posted one month prior to the election and will be closed two weeks prior to the election.
c. If an executive member decides to seek a different office within CANPAC, the executive member shall vacate their current office at the time of election.
d. If a vacated position is to be filled, the term, or the remaining term, shall be filled by way of an election.
e. All nominations shall be voted upon and officers shall be elected by a majority of ballots cast.
f. Elections shall be held in November and executive members shall assume their duties on January 1st.
g. Executive members holding any office within CANPAC shall not be members of the same agency.
h. Votes shall be cast by agency (one voter per agency regardless of the number of persons representing the agency). Elections shall be by ballot.
i. If only one person is nominated for a respective office that position shall be filled by acclamation.
j. The Returning Officer will be designated by the Regular membership for each Election process.
k. Ballots, whether by electronic response or any other type of response shall be made available to all regular membership within CANPAC and returned to the Returning Officer for tabulation.
l. On proper motion and vote, ballots shall be destroyed following their tabulation and certification.
Section 1: PRESIDENT – The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of CANPAC. The President shall preside at all meetings and perform such other duties as may be required to achieve the Goals and Objectives of CANPAC
Section 2: VICE PRESIDENT – The Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President in the President’s absence and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President to achieve the Goals and Objectives of CANPAC
Section 3: SECRETARY – The Secretary shall keep a written record of all proceedings of the Coalition and shall be responsible for notification of members of scheduled meetings and other events of CANPAC. The Secretary shall maintain the by-laws and listing of member agencies and qualified assessors.
Section 4: TREASURER – The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all CANPAC monies and shall account for it at least annually.
Section 1: Appointment
The President may appoint committees to fulfill the Goals and Objectives of CANPAC.
Section 2: CANPAC Representative
A member must receive authorization from the President to represent CANPAC in an official capacity.
Section 1: CANPAC Meetings will be held at least three times per year. The Membership shall be notified in advance of the meeting.
Section 2: A quorum shall consist of one half plus one of the regular membership.
Section 3: Regular members shall have one vote. The Agency the President is from is entitled to one vote as well and in the event there is a tie vote, the President of CANPAC will cast the final deciding vote.
Section 4: Votes may be accepted from the regular membership in writing or by electronic means. The Votes shall be directed to the Secretary for recording and tabulation.
Section 1 Unless otherwise stated in this Bylaw, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings.
Section 1: Changes to the bylaw must be proposed at one meeting and voted on at the next meeting, after notice has been sent. A one half plus one vote of those members present will be necessary for a bylaw change.
Section 1: An account of the Treasurer’s Annual Report shall be conducted by two regular members.
Section 2: An review of CANPAC financial records shall be conducted by two regular members in the event of the Treasurer’s position becoming vacant.
Section 3: In the event of the dissolution of CANPAC, any funds remaining shall first be used to pay all debts. The remaining funds shall be disbursed pending a vote by the membership.
Section 1: Mock Assessments can be held by an agency in preparation for their On-Site Assessment.
Section 2: Honorariums, if any, for Mock Assessment Assessors, are awarded as discussed and agreed upon between the involved parties.